Junior News for May
The Junior Golf Sixes were away at Ulverston on May 19th.
Our Juniors, as always conducted themselves brilliantly, both on and off the course.
There were some strong scores returned especially when you consider how few coaching sessions had taken place, due to the bad weather.
Well done to the Dunnerholme Teams.
Dunnerholme Green Team Scored 114
Dunnerholme Orange Team scored 95
Both the teams played really well.
Medal Winners Green – Amber and Eddy.
Orange – Oliver and Esme
The Final Team results were
Ist Barrow Navy
2nd Dunnerholme Green
3rd Ulverston Black
Thank you to all the coaches and family members that help make these events possible by supporting the juniors and the club.

Second Junior 6’s League Match at Barrow Golf Club
The second match was played at Barrow.
The teams all made a magnificent effort, as three of our matches were one team member down, and everyone was very proud of how well they did under the circumstances.
As usual the Juniors’ course etiquette was faultless, and the teams were a credit to the Club.
Many thanks to 6’s coaches Stuart and Bart, for organising the team and to all the volunteers and parents who help, marking cards etc. and ferrying and escorting the youngsters around.
Congratulations to Medal Winners Brad and Dexter, Max and Rosie.

The Final Team Results.

The second
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