Covid Update 17/05/2021
Play Safe Stay Safe changes from 17th May 2021
As we make progress towards normality, we will be OPENING THE CLUBHOUSE from Monday 17th May.
There are still COVID Restrictions in place for the safety of everyone.
You must either scan the QR code, have a tee time booking on BRS, or sign in via ‘Sign In Sheet’.
This is a legal requirement and mandatory – fail to complete and you could be denied entry.
• MASKS must be worn when you are not seated.
• Tables of 6 or from two households.
• Table service only – do not come to the bar to be served.
• Please follow the one way system – enter through front door or patio door, exit through rear door.
• Please use hand sanitiser provided.
Mr President and his Bar Team of volunteers will be opening the bar on a rota system. It is hoped that the bar will be open several times during the week. Example opening times – Saturday for Competitions, Tuesday Dons, Wednesday evening, Friday from 4.30 (if required). The rota is flexible and will change weekly – so ‘watch this space’ but if you have any questions, ideas or requirements, please speak to Mr President or any council member.
The new till system allows for cash or card payments. The ‘Tent’ will remain in place, for everyone’s use.
No changes — entry/exit via rear door only, only 2 persons at any one time, MASKS must be worn. By arriving ready to play, minimise the time spent in the changing room area.
Will be open every day from 17th May onwards. ONE PERSON ONLY at any one time, due to restricted area with little ventilation. MASKS must be worn. Sanitiser provided.
No changes – flagsticks and hole cups remain fixed, no rake in bunker (local rule in place), no ball scoops at becks, sanitiser at entrance and exits for your use. Benches are available, but follow Covid guidelines when using — social distancing, contact/touch of hard surfaces.
No changes – do not swap score cards, prior to play – Mark your own card. Always write your Handicap Index/Course Handicap/Playing Handicap on your score card and sign it, once agreed with your playing partners — failure to do so will result in disqualification (new Rule of Golf)
Sharing buggies is now permitted but users must exercise caution and consider the risks associated with Covid-19. The Club will follow sensible precautions and clean equipment. We provide sanitiser and wipes on both buggies and we ask the users to wipe down steering wheel, ignition key, seat including arm rests and bag straps before and after use.
SKEDDA has been amended to 30 minutes slots for more flexibility. One hour maximum use per member, per day.
We will be accepting visiting players from 17th May.
We encourage you to exercise caution regarding social distancing and consider the guidance on risks associated with COVID-19 and actions you can take to help keep yourself and others safe.
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